NordREGs position paper on the revision of CACM

The Nordic Energy Regulators, NordREG, has published a position paper on the revision of CACM (CACM 2.0), focusing on the governance of the MCO function and NEMO competition.

NordREG believes that CACM 2.0 must ensure a clear separation between monopolistic tasks assigned to the MCO and commercial activities assigned to the NEMO, that when doing this the operational security of the MCO function should be prioritized but also keeping in mind that new regulatory measures should not exceed what is necessary to achieve the policy objectives.

NordREG also believes that CACM 2.0 should include a plan for the phasing out of monopoly NEMOs and all countries participating in the market coupling need to transit to the competitive NEMO model.

29 September 2021

NordREG requests NEMOs and TSOs to shorten grace period to absolute minimum during parallel runs

In the ongoing implementation of the flow based capacity calculation methodology in CCR Nordic, focus is now shifting to the upcoming period of parallel runs, where market participants and TSOs in parallel will be able to observe the similarities and differences between the current market coupling results and the market coupling results, where flow based parameters are used.

NEMOs have previously indicated a need to apply a so called “grace period” between date of actual operation (the trading day) and publication of results from the flow based simulation facility of up to 14 days. Market participants however, have expressed their need for swift feedback of the simulation results to make the best use and facilitate necessary learning from the parallel runs. In this letter to NEMOs and TSOs, NordREG is urging all parties involved to reduce the “grace period” to an absolute minimum.

28 April 2021

Nordic data sharing may benefit future markets for flexibility

Preserve current similarities between Nordic retail markets and explore if data sharing on a Nordic level could promote new business models related to flexibility services. Those are two of recommendations towards regulators in a study performed by Implement Consulting Group on behalf of the Nordic Energy Regulators, NordREG.

The consultant has investigated if a closer integration between Nordic data hubs might deliver benefits for end customers in Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden.

In the consultant’s report, Nordic countries are advised to explore the potential related to new business models such as flexibility services, smart services, sector coupling and similar. As opposed to already established market rules, the rules for implementing markets for micro-flexibility, local distribution tariffs, prosumer incentives, etc. are still being shaped. This creates a window of opportunity for promoting a certain level of Nordic harmonisation and thus fostering a common market for these.

The main challenge is that the four* data hubs have not been designed to be interoperable with each other. The consultant has analysed costs and benefits with different options of interoperability, ranging from a low investment option where aggregated meter data is shared on a common platform to a full market harmonisation which will have a fundamental impact on processes and IT systems for all market participants.

Analysing the current market situation, the consultant found that even though some of the options for interoperability create cost savings in certain parts of the value chain, all solutions have net costs. The main reason for this is that since each of the current Nordic Retail markets already are very competitive, there is no competition issue to solve and hence no potential benefit from interoperability.

However, in the longer perspective, the consultant believes that new business models may benefit from interoperability. For market actors that develop entirely new value-added services, interoperability might allow easier access to a larger market and make the investment in such product innovation more attractive.

The consultant recommends that the Nordic countries preserve the potential related to existing market similarities and promote market harmonization when implementing new market rules. This is particularly relevant for the implementation of the Clean Energy Package which will open up new markets.

Also, assuming that the new business models require data access but not use of data to support automated transactions, the consultant concludes that sharing aggregated data from the national data hubs may be a sufficient interoperability measure to promote new business models. This is the least costly option assessed in the report. It has no cost for suppliers that decide not to apply it and is recommended to be investigated further.

* Those already existing in Denmark and Norway, and the ones planned in Finland and Sweden.

For more information, please contact:

Mattias Johansson
Chair of NordREG Retail Market Working Group
Swedish Energy Markets Inspectorate

Nikolai Aleksander Grønland
The Norwegian Energy Regulatory Authority

Ann-Kristin Havnegjerde
Danish Utility Regulator

Jani Kostiainen
Energy Authority

23 March 2021

NordREG informs on the decisions on the implementation of 15-minutes imbalance settlement period (ISP15)

The Nordic Energy Regulators, i.e. The Danish Utility Regulator, Energimarknadsinspektionen and Energiavirasto, have made national decisions resulting in a postponement of implementing a 15-minutes imbalance settlement period (ISP15).

Decisions have been made after the Nordic TSO’s in Denmark, Sweden and Finland, i.e. Energinet, Svenska Kraftnät and Fingrid, had requested their respective regulators to decide on a postponement of the implementation of ISP15 to replace the current 60-minutes imbalance settlement period.

The regulators have decided to grant national derogations resulting in ISP15 being implemented on May 22nd 2023.

The requested date for ISP15 was proposed jointly by the Nordic TSOs (including the Norwegian TSO, Statnett).

The Nordic Energy Regulators have concluded in their respective national decisions, that there are conditions for granting a derogation, and that the jointly proposed date for ISP15 with certainty can be implemented timely in each country.

The regulators will closely monitor the joint Nordic progress and the implementation projects in each country, encouraging the Nordic TSOs to update market participants on the ongoing process and finalization hereof.

16 March 2021

Presentations from NordREG Stakeholder meeting on capacities 4th December 2020

The Nordic Energy Regulators held a stakeholder meeting on cross-border capacities in the Nordic wholesale electricity markets on 4th of December via Microsoft Live Events. About 100 participants were registered and there were at least more than 50 persons online at the same time.

Presentations were about the status of the Nordic flow-based capacity calculation methodology implementation and current and expected cross-border capacities in Nordic region. In addition, there were presentations of the state of play of legal implementation of congestion management requirements and the status of NRAs’ approval processes.

At the webinar, there were presentations and representatives from the Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators (ACER), the Nordic Transmission System Operators as well as the Nordic Energy Regulators.

The agenda

Agenda 4th of December 2020


0.1 Welcome to the webinar 20201204

1.1. Opening remarks

2.1. CCM Approval and side letter

2.2. Approval of 15min ISP derogation requests

2.3. NordREG stakeholder Hedging opportunities

3.1. NorCap Project Presentation

4.1. ACER update on state of play – legal implementation of congestion management requirements

5.1. TSO view on the 70% implementation

5.2. TSOs update on cross-border capacities


7.1. Update on DK1 – DE capacities

8.1. NordLink

9.1. Closing remarks

19 January 2021

NordREG summarizes 2020 in the annual report

The Nordic Energy Regulators, NordREG, publishes the annual report for 2020. The report summarizes the cooperation between the Nordic regulatory authorities.

The year 2020 has been intense and despite covid-19 the cooperation has functioned well, and the regulatory authorities has completed the planned activities.

The focus area has been to implement EU-legislation for the retail market and continue to cooperate and create equal conditions on the Nordic electric market. NordREG has for example worked with the Nordic retail market, network regulation, and flexibility issues, which has a prominent role in the Clean Energy Package.

NordREG has had an important part to play in the coordination of the regulatory oversight of the new Nordic Balancing Model to ensure timely and efficient implementation in compliance with the legislation.

13 January 2021

Unfair business practices is a problem in all Nordic markets

Nordic Energy Regulators face similar challenges with suppliers using unfair business practices. That was one of the conclusions from NordREG´s 3rd annual Monitoring Workshop where 20 experts from Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden exchanged experiences and ideas on how to monitor the retail markets more effectively.

Three topics were discussed at the workshop: how to handle suppliers that attract many complaints, new EU rules to protect small businesses and challenges related to independent comparison tools.

Better cooperation needed between public bodies

The Nordic Energy Regulators receive many complaints from customers about suppliers that use unfair business practices. Misleading information, use of dubious sales methods and unreasonable contractual terms are examples found in all Nordic markets. The problems are limited to relatively few suppliers, but the supplier´s activities have severe consequences for both individual customers and the overall trust in the market.

  • Since the responsibility for consumer protection is split between several public bodies, a closer national cooperation is needed between the national NRA, Crime Authority, Tax Agency, Consumer Agency and other authorities with legal powers to protect customers. NordREG will map the situation and continue to exchange experience about monitoring unwanted market behavior.

New EU rules will strengthen non-household customers

New EU legislation that comes into force 2021 will strengthen non-household customers. This is needed, since especially small businesses in recent years have become targets for suppliers using unfair business practices. Rules for termination fees, more mandatory information on bills and access to effective out-of-court dispute settlement are examples of legal protection now introduced for non-household customers.

  • NordREG should continue to follow how the rules in the new Electricity directive are implemented nationally with a special focus on monitoring rights for non-household customers.

Nordic independent comparison tools have a lot to learn from each other

All Nordic countries face similar challenges regarding their independent comparison tools. The tools must be adapted to new EU legislation, the quality of the data reported by suppliers has to be improved and new functionalities have to be developed to help consumers in their choices of both traditional and flexibility contracts.

  • Given the limited resources that each of the Nordic energy regulators have for operating and developing their comparison tool, it is of great value that the Nordic countries continue to share experience and ideas to be able to provide Nordic customers with high-quality comparison tools.

14 December 2020

Invitation to the NordREG Stakeholder meeting on capacities (online meeting 4th December 2020 at 9:30-13:00 CET)

The Nordic Energy Regulators invites stakeholders and other interested parties to attend a meeting on cross-border capacities in the Nordic wholesale electricity markets on 4 December at 9:30-13.00 CET.

Topics will be status of the Nordic flow-based capacity calculation methodology implementation and current and expected cross-border capacities in Nordic region. In addition, there will be presentations on the state of play of legal implementation of congestion management requirements and the status of NRAs’ approval processes.

Presentations will be held by the Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators (ACER), the Nordic Transmission System Operators as well as the Nordic Energy Regulators.

The meeting is a continuation for the meeting held on 3 December 2019.


The meeting will be held as online meeting. A recording from the meeting will be published afterwards on the NordREG’s website.

The meeting is open for stakeholders and other interested parties. However, each participant should register by 30 November 2020 by sending an email to

In registering please inform name, email address and organisation of the participants. Link to the online meeting will be sent to the registered participants by email few days before the meeting.

12 November 2020

Methodology for assessment of the Nordic forward market

NordREG has developed a common methodology for the Nordic NRAs to perform their upcoming analyses of the cross-zonal hedging opportunities in line with Commission Regulation (EU) 2016/1719 of 26 September 2016 establishing a guideline on forward capacity allocation (FCA GL) article 30.

The regulators will use this methodology to assess whether there are sufficient hedging opportunities in the Nordic electricity market. If the hedging opportunities in two adjacent bidding zones are deemed insufficient, the regulators on each side of the bidding zone border must, in a coordinated manner, make decisions targeted at the TSO’s on each side to introduce long term transmission rights (LTTRs) or other measures to improve hedging opportunities.

The regulators will also launch consultations on their assessments and the hedging needs of market participants in accordance with FCA GL art. 30(3)(a) during winter 2020-2021 or early spring 2021.

The deadlines for national decisions on whether there are sufficient hedging opportunities, and coordinated decisions per bidding zone border on introducing LTTRs or not are in April 2021* .

*As Norway has not implemented the FCA GL in national legislation at this point, the deadline for Norwegian borders will depend on the implementation time.

21 September 2020

Consultation on the methodology for capacity calculation in the day-ahead and intraday timeframe

The Nordic national regulatory authorities (“Nordic NRAs”) are launching a consultation on the methodology for capacity calculation in the day-ahead and intraday timeframe developed by all TSOs in the Nordic capacity calculation region in accordance with Article 20(2) of Commission Regulation (EU) 2015/1222 of 24 July 2015 establishing a guideline on capacity allocation and congestion management (“CACM Regulation”).

The Nordic NRAs will assess and evaluate the proposal for approval within a period of 6 months or request changes to the proposal before the proposal can be approved.

The Nordic NRAs welcome written input on the methodology at the latest 29th June 2020.

Comments shall be sent to with copy to

Please mark your answers to the consultation with the following reference: Nordic Capacity Calculation Methodology.

Contact persons in NordREG

Toril Naustvoll, NVE

Jori Säntti, EV

Kaj Forsberg, Ei

Søren Lorenz Søndergaard, DUR

10 June 2020