NordREGs perspective on the development of competition among NEMOs

NordREG has published a position paper on the development of competition among NEMOs as input to the process carried out by the Commission pursuant to Article 5 (3) of Regulation 2015/1222 (CACM GL).

Based on experiences from the implementation of CACM GL, NordREG sees a need for a clearer division between natural monopoly functions and functions/tasks that can be provided by competitive companies. The lack of separation results in costly and complex regulation in addition to reduced competitive pressure on NEMOs.

5 December 2017

NordREG publishes position paper on local intraday markets: A potential adverse effect on competition

In end November 2017, NordREG published a position paper on the development of local intraday markets. NordREG is concerned about developments in local intraday markets falling outside the scope of CACM GL and “under the radar” of European legislation. As a consequence, the trade taking place in local intraday markets may have negative implications on the success of the cross-zonal intraday solution in CACM GL. Furthermore, it undermines level playing field among NEMOs. The position paper was communicated to the European Commission (DG ENER) and ACER.

5 December 2017

Consultation on the methodology for capacity calculation

The Nordic national regulatory authorities (“Nordic NRAs”) are launching a consultation on the methodology for capacity calculation developed by all TSOs in the Nordic capacity calculation region in accordance with Article 20(2) of Commission Regulation (EU) 2015/1222 of 24 July 2015 establishing a guideline on capacity calculation and congestion management (“CACM Regulation”).

The Nordic NRAs will assess and evaluate the proposal for approval within a period of 6 months or request changes to the proposal before the proposal can be approved.

The Nordic NRAs welcome written input on the methodology before the 26th of October 2017. Comments shall be sent to with copy to Please mark your answers to the consultation with the following reference: Nordic Capacity Calculation Methodology.

Contact persons in NordREG:

Toril Naustvoll, NVE

Jarno Lamponen, EV

Tobias Johansson, Ei

Søren Lorenz Søndergaard, DERA

19 September 2017

Consultation on the methodology for pricing intraday cross-zonal capacity

The Nordic national regulatory authorities (“Nordic NRAs”) are launching a consultation on the methodology for pricing intraday cross-zonal capacity developed by all TSOs in EU in accordance with Article 55 (3) of Commission Regulation (EU) 2015/1222 of 24 July 2015 establishing a guideline on capacity calculation and congestion management (“CACM Regulation”).

The Nordic NRAs will assess and evaluate the proposal in cooperation with the other NRAs in EU for approval by “all-NRAs” within a period of 6 months or request changes to the proposal before the proposal can be approved.

The Nordic NRAs welcome written input on the methodology before the 6th of October 2017. Comments (in English) shall be sent to with copy to  Please mark your answers to the consultation with the following reference: Methodology for pricing intraday cross-zonal capacity.

Contact persons in NordREG

Johan Leymann, Ei

Mari Salo, EV

Kristin Kolseth, NVE

Søren Lorenz Rask Søndergaard, DERA

7 September 2017

Consultation on the CCR Nordic TSOs’ proposal for establishment of Fallback Procedures

The Nordic national regulatory authorities (“Nordic NRAs”) are launching a consultation on the all TSOs’ of the Nordic Capacity Calculation Region Proposal for Fallback Procedures in accordance with Article 44 of Commission Regulation (EU) 2015/1222 of 24 July 2015 establishing a guideline on capacity calculation and congestion management (“CACM Regulation”).

The proposal covers fallback procedures in the Nordic capacity calculation region.

The Nordic NRAs welcome written input on the proposed Fallback Procedures in the Nordic Capacity Calculation Region within the 9th of June 2017. Comments (in English) shall be sent to with copy to Please mark your answers to the consultation with the following reference: CCR Nordic Fallback Procedures

Contact persons in NordREG

Linda Weman Tell, Ei

Mari Salo, EV

Helena Mellison Lindstad, NVE

Kimmie Byriel Laage-Petersen, DERA

19 May 2017

Consultation on shipping arrangements between different central counter parties for the exchange of energy for the Nordic bidding zones

The Nordic national regulatory authorities (“Nordic NRAs”) are launching a consultation on proposed shipping arrangements for the Nordic bidding zones.

The Nordic NRAs were informed in December 2016 by EPEX SPOT SE and Nord Pool AS that they could not decide on shipping arrangements for the Nordic region. The Nordic NRAs have therefore initiated the process of deciding on shipping arrangements in accordance with article 68(6) in Regulation (EU) 2015/1222 establishing a guideline on capacity calculation and congestion management (“CACM Regulation”).

The Nordic NRAs welcome written input on the proposed shipping arrangements within the 9th of June 2017. Comments (in English) shall be sent to Please mark your answers to the consultation with the following reference number 2017-100343.

Contact persons in NordREG

Linda Weman Tell, Ei

Kimmie Byriel Laage-Petersen, DERA

Mari Salo, EV

Helena Mellison Lindstad, NVE

16 May 2017

NordREG workshop on incentivising reduced losses in the networks

On Thursday 7 April the NordREG Network Regulation Working Group organised a seminar on how to reduce losses in the Nordic networks.

The workshop included presentations both by regulators and DSOs, who discussed how loss reductions can be incentivised through regulation and what DSO’s can do practically to reduce their own losses. There was also a European perspective with a presentation about ongoing work on benchmarking network losses throughout Europe.

All presentations can be found here:

1. Network losses in the regulation – Denmark

2. Network losses in the regulation – Iceland

3. Network losses in the regulation – Sweden

4. Network losses in the regulation – Finland

5. Network losses in the regulation – Norway

6. Preliminary findings from CEER Report on network losses

7. A DSOs perspective on network losses – Skagerak Nett

8. The effect of renewables, How to address increased network losses – Dansk Energi

4 May 2017

NordREG publishes a position paper on aggregation services and demand response

NordREG publishes today a paper presenting the Nordic energy regulators’ views on the European Commission’s proposals on aggregation services and demand response, as seen in the legislative package “Clean Energy for all Europeans”.

By this, NordREG aims at assisting Member States and EU institutions in improving the proposals for a revised Electricity Directive, to better reach the important objectives of efficient demand response for all Europeans.

NordREG has several concerns with the European Commission’s “one-size-fits all” approach to aggregation, as proposed in the revised Electricity Directive, and fears it could lead to system-wide inefficiencies. NordREG therefore recommends discretion to decide if, and in which situations, a regulated framework for independent aggregation may be efficient to implement. Further, NordREG recommends flexibility to define the details, if models for independent aggregation are chosen in specific parts of the market.

27 April 2017

NordREG publishes a new report regarding the electricity customers’ situation in the Nordic countries

Today, NordREG, a cooperation between Nordic energy regulators, publish a report that describes the customers’ situation in the five Nordic retail markets for electricity. The report shows what offers, prices and problems customers face in each of the markets. National data is presented together with statistics on complaints from customers and the results from the European Commission´s survey Consumer Markets Scoreboard.

Electricity customers in all Nordic countries, except Iceland, have a wide range of contracts and suppliers to choose from and are relatively active. They all have access to independent price comparison tools and have a clear economic incentive to switch supplier or renegotiate contracts with the current supplier.

Few customers complain about the switching process itself. Instead, problems customers experience are typically when they have misunderstood the terms of the contract or there has been an unfair selling process. Many customers contact the national regulators to question if a contractual change is legal or if the supplier has provided them with all the required information before entering into a new contract.

So far, only Denmark has implemented mandatory combined billing, were the supplier bills the customer for both the electricity and network fee in one bill. However, all countries have regulations concerning billing and information required on invoices. Still, when customers were asked how well they understood their bill, the results varied between the Nordic countries.

Retail prices in Finland, Denmark, Norway and Sweden are characterised by a close connection to the underlying common Nordic electricity wholesale market. Different kinds of spot price contracts settled against wholesale markets are the most common and, on average, the cheapest contract types. In the last five years, Customers in Norway and Sweden have experienced more price changes than customers in Finland. At the same time, prices seems to be higher in Finland than, for example, Norway.


For more information, please contact:

Mattias Johansson, Energimarknadsinspektionen, +46 16-16 27 42
Cathrine Hagen, Norges vassdrags- og energidirektorat, +47 22 95 95 95
Jori Säntti, Energiavirasto, +358 29 50 50 079
Lukas Lindgreen, Energitilsynet, +45 41 71 43 12
Rakel Jensdóttir, Orkustofnun, +354 569 6000

Facts about NordREG: Since 2005 NordREG has worked towards a harmonised retail market for electricity. Many important steps have been taken. However, the common objective is not yet achieved. The Nordic countries still have five separate Retail markets with many similarities and some differences. In recent years, NordREG has focused on establishing joint recommendations in order to achieve a harmonised Nordic retail market for electricity.

20 April 2017

Nordic Energy Regulators establishes Energy Regulators Regional Forum (ERRF)

The NordREG Board agreed to establish Energy Regulators Regional Forum on 8 March 2017, in order to facilitate common and consistent national decisions in the Nordic region.

According to Third Package Network Codes and Binding Guidelines, TSOs and NEMOs in the Nordic region shall develop terms and conditions or methodologies regarding a number of specific issues.

These proposals are subject to approval by each national regulatory authority in the Nordic region.

In order to reach consistent national approvals throughout the region, Nordic energy regulators are obliged to consult, closely cooperate and coordinate with each other to reach an agreement on the content of the subsequent national approvals. To this end, Nordic energy regulators have agreed to organize such coordination within the framework of NordREG.

The ERRF is intended to facilitate common and consistent national decisions to be made subsequently by each Nordic energy regulator according to Network Codes and Binding Guidelines. It gives practical effect to EU provisions requiring cooperation among regulators for the abovementioned purposes, by serving as a tool to reach unified solutions among the Nordic energy regulators.

7 April 2017