About NordREG

NordREG is an organisation for the Nordic energy regulators. Our mission is to actively promote legal and institutional framework and conditions necessary for developing the Nordic and European electricity markets.

Areas of work

The basis for the co-operation within NordREG is to identify areas of work where cooperation can take the following forms:

  • Exchange of views
  • Working together to map and analyse energy market issues
  • Producing reports and statements
  • Taking common action to influence the development of the Nordic or the European energy markets

Our misson

The mission for NordREG is as follows:

In cooperation, we actively promote legal and institutional framework and conditions necessary for developing the Nordic and European electricity markets.

Our vision

Actively promoting efficient and advanced energy markets, for the benefit of consumers towards a decarbonized society.

The NordREG Board and members

The main organization of NordREG is a rotating Chairmanship whose appointment changes every year. The Board meets at least twice a year. The work in NordREG is organised through an annual Work Programme approved by the Board.

The members of the NordREG Board

For more information please contact representatives in each member country. You will see a list of our members in the left margin on this site.

Memorandum of Understanding

The Memorandum of Understanding is an agreement between the Nordic national energy regulators and lays the foundation of the Nordic regulatory cooperation, last amended in September 2018.

The main objectives of the cooperation is the following:

  • Promote the development of efficient electricity markets in the Nordic area, consistent with the development in within the European Union.
  • Co-operate in order to promote a competitive Nordic electricity market in line with the European development and regulation, in which the principles of transparency and non-discrimination are ensured. The Regulators will monitor, reinforce and follow up these processes of liberalization in the electricity market.
  • Co-operate in issues relating to energy markets in which the Regulators have responsibilities according to EU-regulation and the respective national legislation.
  • Set up the appropriate mechanisms of co-operation, information exchange and assistance amongst the Regulators, and reinforce their level of common representation in the cooperation within the Council of European Energy Regulators (CEER) and the Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators (ACER) and joint actions especially in connection with stakeholders, i.e. the co-operation among the Nordic transmission system operators.
  • Provide a framework for the discussion of regulatory issues and exchange of experience in order to facilitate convergence of views and common positions when appropriate.
  • Provide the necessary elements for the development of regulation and promote increased harmonization and efficiency in the regulatory framework and processes.
  • Provide where appropriate the necessary elements for developing joint approaches vis-à-vis transnational energy utilities and companies that operate in separated regulated utility markets (multi-utilities).
  • With due regard to national differences in the legal framework and responsibilities, work to establish common policies toward agreed issues.

10 January 2019