NordREG has reviewed the TSO report concerning flow-based implementation and ID ATCE

On July 1st NordREG jointly sent a letter to Nordic TSOs where we raised our concerns related to the intraday solution (the ATCE) which will be implemented at the same time as flow-based on the day-ahead. The questions related to the ID capacities themselves and arbitrage possibilities. In the letter the TSOs were requested to deliver a report within three months. You can read the full letter: NordREG Letter to Nordic TSOs on ID ATCE

On the 30th of September we received the Nordic TSOs report. Read the full report: Nordic TSO response to NordREGs Letter to Nordic CCR TSOs Concerning Flow-Based implementation and ID ATCE

NordREG has reviewed the report and concludes that there are still some remaining concerns that should be duly considered by the TSOs ahead of go-live. Read the full letter: NordREG letter regarding TSOs ID report.