Member states


The Danish Utility Regulator (DUR) is the independent regulator in Denmark. DUR’s main tasks are monitoring and regulation of the infrastructure of the Danish electricity, natural gas and heating sectors, regulation of access to the infrastructure, and ensuring transparency of the energy sector. One of DUR’s main responsibilities is ensuring well-functioning utility and supply sectors and making sure the actors are in compliance with current rules and legislation.

DUR works for the highest level of efficiency, lowest possible prices for consumers, a secure and stabile supply, a cost-efficient technology development and cost-effective adaptation to clean energy.

DUR is obliged to monitor and analyze matters of relevance within and across the three different supply sectors. Another major part of DURs responsibilities include regulation of revenue caps and benchmarking in the heating sector. DUR has the responsibility to develop, implement and maintain new economic regulation and methodologies of the sector. DUR is furthermore responsible for regulating revenue caps of power grid companies.


The Energy Authority is an expert agency operating under the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment of Finland. Its activities are governed by Finnish energy legislation and aim to enforce Finnish and European energy and climate policy. The Energy Authority promotes and monitors the operation of the energy market and fulfilment of climate targets. Its area of duties covers electricity and gas markets as well as emissions trading, energy efficiency and the use of renewable energy.


The Norwegian Energy Regulatory Authority (NVE-RME) is the national regulatory authority for the electricity and natural gas market in Norway. Its main statutory objective is to promote socioeconomic development through an efficient and environmentally sound energy production, as well as promoting efficient and reliable transmission, distribution, trade and efficient use of energy.

NVE-RME regulates areas such as economic and technical reporting, network revenues, market access and network tariffs, non-discriminatory behaviour, market conduct and transparency, customer information, metering, settlement and billing as well as system and market operation. The Energy Act regulates the main frame of the Norwegian electricity and gas market and NVE-RME has the power to enforce many of the provisions in the Energy Act. NVE-RME is a separate legal entity with its own budget set by the Parliament and has the authority to act within the scope of its competences.


The Swedish Energy Markets Inspectorate (Ei) is an authority which is commissioned to strive for well-functioning energy markets.

The main purpose of Ei´s work is to ensure that Sweden has well-functioning distribution and trade of electricity, district heating and natural gas. Ei shall also safeguard customers’ interests and strengthen their position on the markets.

In concrete terms, this means that Ei monitor companies’ compliance with the regulatory framework. Ei is also responsible for developing the rules of play and informing customers of their rights. Ei regulates the terms for monopoly companies that run electricity and natural gas networks and monitor the competitive energy markets.


The National Energy Authority of Iceland (OS) is a government agency under the Ministry of Industries and Innovation. Its main responsibilities are to advise the Government of Iceland on energy issues and related topics, license and monitor the development and exploitation of energy and mineral resources, regulate the operation of the electrical transmission and distribution system and promote energy research.

9 January 2019