Welcome to our hearing on the 25th of June on NordREG’s future work at Radisson Skycity Arlanda, Stockholm between 10:00-15:00 o’clock. Please find an agenda for the event below. For those of you who cannot travel to Stockholm to participate at the hearing, we encourage you to participate via the web. You can use the link below and you find instructions, in Swedish, that will help you log on. We suggest that you test the link prior to the hearing.
Follow the instructions to participate online
Agenda items
09.30-10.00 |
10:00-10:15 |
Introduction |
Marielle Liikanen, chair of Retail Market WG NordREG |
10:15-11:00 |
Presentation – Future challenges and development of the electricity market |
Professor Lennart Söder, KTH |
11:00-11:30 |
First round of discussion |
All |
11:30-12:30 |
12:30-13:45 |
Group work |
All |
13:45-14:00 |
Presentation of group work |
14:00 -14:50 |
Second round of discussion |
All |
14:50-15:00 |
Sum up |
Marielle Liikanen |
Introduction and background
The Nordic Energy Regulators (NordREG) have for several years been promoting the development of a harmonised Nordic electricity market and is supported by the Nordic minsters for energy. The main goal is to create common Nordic solutions for the retail market that eliminate the biggest entry barriers for a supplier entering the Nordic market.
The task “Planning the work beyond 2014” is part of NordREG’s work program for 2014. NordREG intends to make a work program that is forward looking and stretches over a period of the next four years and input from industry and other interested parties will be crucial for planning these future activities.
Structure of the day
The hearing is a public and open forum for any stakeholders to give input to NordREG’s plans for the future.
Marielle Liikanen, chair RMWG[1], will give a short introduction describing the thoughts that NordREG has for the future presented in thematic areas. The day continues with an inspirational speech from Professor Lennart Söder, KTH[2], to give the participants new insights and ideas.
After the presentation the participants continue with discussions and work groups. The participants will be divided into four or five groups. The task will be to discuss the thematic areas, objectives and questions listed below. Each group will take notes and present their views.
The hearing will be streamed on internet so it will be possible for participants that are not able to participate at Arlanda to take part of the hearing. Also all can give written input until 30th of June. NordREG may publish any written input together with for example the final report.
Basis for previous work
The objectives for the harmonisation work during the period 2011 to 2014 were:
- Customer friendliness
- Well-functioning common market
- Improved competition
- Improved efficiency
- Compliance with EU regulation and development
- Neutrality of DSOs
These objectives for the period 2011 to 2014 have been the guidelines for the project. Each task made during the period 2011 to 2014 has aimed to be in line with these objectives. NordREG believes that these may still be suitable for future work but are keen on input from you to learn what your thoughts are.
Thematic areas for discussion:
Below tentative thematic areas with sub areas that could be the focus for NordREG’s work, in the context of retail market issues, for the next four years:
1) Information exchange
a) TSO role and responsibility
b) access between hubs/information-exchange systems
c) NBS
2) Market rules energy services
a) Unbundling
b) DSO role and responsibility
3) Smart grids:
a) Market rules micro-production
b) Market rules for demand response
Guideline for input on NordREGs work plan for the coming four years
The following questions are meant as guideline for group work and written input:
- What objectives would you like to change, add or remove?
- What thematic areas would you like to change, add or remove?
- What concrete tasks would be investigated and harmonised for each thematic area and sub areas?
- Other?
For further contact:
Marielle Liikanen
+46 16 16 27 46
[1] Retail Market Working Group
[2] Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm