Hearing on NordREG’s future – Planning the work beyond 2014

The task “Planning the work beyond 2014” is part of NordREG’s work program for 2014. NordREG intends to make a work program that is forward looking and stretches over a period of the next four years.

Input from the industry and other interested parties will be crucial for planning the future activities.

The working group would like to invite you to discuss and present your views on what should be the focus of the work ahead.

The working group will present an overview over tentative thematic areas that could be the focus of the work ahead. Also our thoughts on how to continue the technical harmonization work will be explained at the hearing. In due time before the hearing, the participants will receive a document describing the WG’s initial thoughts.

The hearing will take place at Arlanda airport on June 25, 2014 from 10.00-15.00.

Please let us know if you intend to participate by emailing no later than June 18 to marita.grimberg@ei.se.

If you have any questions, please contact Marielle Liikanen, Chair Retail Markets WG, marielle.liikanen@ei.se or via telephone on +46(0)16-162746


From the work program for 2014:

Task 1.7 Planning the work beyond 2014

Since the harmonisation of the Nordic end-user markets will continue after 2014, there is a need to plan and map future tasks.

NordREG has already received some input from the industry on possible future tasks. We recognise that the implementation phase, which is now entered, will bring out additional issues that need to be investigated. We will therefore during 2014 start to plan the next steps in the harmonisation process.

This task will identify the most crucial issues to be harmonised after 2014. It will list and describe the topics on a high-level and suggest when and how the harmonisation of each task should take place. This information will be used as input when making more detailed planning for the future work and reviewing what project structure that is suitable for the continued project.

23 May 2014